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Little Maud



Gal consoles his daughter, who awakes from a nightmare, frightened. He picks her up and stands by the window, cradling her to sleep. He feels his daughter’s hands gripping on to him, and is delighted that she seeks comfort in him.


As he stares out the window, he starts to think about the happy times they spent together, and how close they have grown. But his thoughts begin to fleet and he lets his imagination get the better of him.


He envisions himself trying to keep up with his daughter, in the fantasy world that creates in his mind. He goes through an emotional rollercoaster ride, but manages to return to reality with the cognizance, that though there may come a day where she strays away, he still has the close bond with her today.



Petrina Anne De Souza



Heloise Goldberg 

Marc Goldberg 

Freya Scerri Diacono

Mary-Frances Doherty





Petrina Anne De Souza



Zhou Denis


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